Thursday, June 19, 2008

a small justice at videogame shop

"So I was calling to speak with a manager about employment"
"Well, I'm the manager, and I'm not hiring."
"Ok fine, well There is sommething else."
"I came in with my little brother and bought a video game that said new and was used, i was wondering if i should tell my friends not to shop at your store or if you will resolve it."
"You can bring it into any game Stop if you have the receioit."
"Well ok."

"Hey I brought this game in that turned out to be used."
"What happens is that we put a new game into a used case."
"Oh really, because this game said that it was used and didnt come with an instruction book, and the employee even charged me for a used game when i asked for a enw one."
Other guy:  "That is unlikely, you see what happens is that games get mislabeled and this one happened to be mislabeled so you must have damaged it when you were playing it."
"No, I didn't.  And I talked to the Manager."
Other guy: "Seeya have a nice day, check out that video game Condemned."
"No, I bought Bio-shock, where you have to evolve yourself because of all the sceintifc experiments?"
Other guy: "Later."
Cashier, really nervous. "I-I can call the other store to see if they have the game in stock, all we have is this used coppy."
"Please do and give me back cash."
"I'll need to see your ID."
"Ok"  (ID Outdated, so w ho cares) "Thank you for your understanding, you know what happens sometimes is that employees will play the games and damage them and they dont want the manager to know so it is good we caught this before the manager found out about it because that could have gotten really out of hand.  What's your name again?"
Cashier:  Thank you, have a day."

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